Report Aquatic Invasive Species in Pennsylvania

Submitted by jjw5681 on

Please use this form to report potential aquatic invasive species in Pennsylvania. Fill out as much information as possible.

You may upload a photo of the species via this form.
If you have a video clip to share, please upload it to YouTube first and then provide the link via this form.

Data collected will be submitted to Pennsylvania Sea Grant.  

Thank you!

Observer Contact Information
Include area code
Observation Details
If unknown, please provide species type, e.g. fish, frog, mussel, etc.
Enter an approximate number. Or, you may specify amounts using the greater than or less than symbol. Example: >100
Upload requirements
If you have a video clip, please upload it to YouTube and then provide link.
Observation Location

Please provide GPS coordinates, if possible.

To determine the coordinates using Google Maps:

  1. Open Google Maps.
  2. Zoom in to the location OR enter the address OR right-click on the location and from the pop-up menu select:  What's here?
  3. A small window opens with the address and coordinates.  Make note of the coordinates. 
  4. Return to the form and type the coordinates in the appropriate box for the latitude and longitude.

To determine the coordinates using Bing Maps:

  1. Open Bing Maps.
  2. Zoom in to the location OR enter the address OR right-click on the location and from the pop-up menu select:  Add a Pushpin.
  3. A small window opens with the address and coordinates.
  4. Copy the latitude, return to the form, and paste into the latitude box.  Do the same for the longitude.
If known
If known
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